Wednesday, February 10, 2016


    Genesis 10:2-5
            The descendants of Japheth, after the Tower of Babel, when God made man go out and populate the world migrated west and north. The sons of Japheth's sons are listed giving more detail than is found in the list of Ham's or Shem's sons. A study of names Japheth's sons and grandsons sheds some light on who are his descendants today.

      Name of the SonPeople Associated With the Name
      JaphethGreeks, Aryans of India
      GomerPeople living in area of the Black Sea, Germany and Wales.
      MagogReference to "Gog" referring to Georgia, a region near the Black Sea and Scythians.
      MadaiMedes (Persia), Japheth through Madai father of peoples of India.
      JavanPeople of Greece and Cyprus.
      TubalRussian, city of Tobolsk.
      MeshechRussian, (Name Muskovi) city of Moscow.
      TirasThracians, possibly the Etruscans of Italy.
      AshkenazGermany, Armenia, Scandinavia, Denmark, northern islands of Europe and European west coast.
      RipathGenerally Europe, Carpathians and Paphlagonians
      TogarmahArmenians, Germany and Turkey
      ElishahGreeks ("Hellas" is a form of word Elishah)
      TarshishSpain, Carthage in North Africa
      KittimGreeks, Cyprus, Macedonia
      DodaniumGreeks, Rhodes, Dardanelles

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